St Augustine refuting a heretic, New York, Morgan Pierpont Library, (a C13th Book of Hours) The School has given permission to present several student theses for the benefit of our readers. For more information on the Pastoral School, please see their website. It is open to any Orthodox Christian interested in studying Orthodox theology, and Orthodox clergy or laypeople interested in increasing their knowledge of the Faith. The program is designed for those who are prevented from attending a theological seminary by their current family or professional situation.

The Pastoral School of the provides a program of study leading to a Diploma in Pastoral Theology (PTh.D), and in Orthodox Studies (OS.D). Klimenko, Ph.D., a graduate of the Pastoral School of the Chicago and Mid-America of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

Below we present Chapter 2 of the thesis, " The Orthodox Teaching on Personal Salvation," by Deacon Victor E.