
Shattered colony 2
Shattered colony 2

This new building boost mechanic is called overtime. You can refine lunar fragments and obtain lunar dust which will be used to increase the production of your buildings for a limited time. Face the Moonfall and use it to your advantage with the new Building Boost mechanic – The Moon is shattered in the sky and its fragments are crushing down on Earth leaving behind them devastation – but also moon rock deposits.Anguished colonists may turn against you, and as such a number of fun activities must be hosted in your city to keep morale high. The value of ‘Hope’ literally cannot be understated, as when awful catastrophes occur in game, the Hope levels will decrease: drop low enough, and your state will be placed into a bout of anguish. You can hear gunfire coming from the southern police station and the mall, suggesting survivors, but can you rescue them in time to assault and close the bridges before you are overwhelmed? This map is quite challenging as you have to move quickly or risk running out of ammo.As well as the Building Boost mechanic, Shattered Hope is also treating players to a brand new system – yet another criteria to manage in what can be a complex simulation. You need to stop the hordes from crossing the bridges, but the way is blocked by heavily infected buildings, and you are low on survivors and ammo. Made this while playing around with the map editor. Also, most buildings with red arrows have huge numbers of zombies, so approach with extreme caution.Originally posted by.Syro(/forums/3/topics/115524?page=1#posts-2513232). You can hear gunfire coming from the southern police station and the mall, suggesting survivors, but can you rescue them in time to assault and close the bridges before you are overwhelmed?This map is quite challenging as you have to move quickly or risk running out of ammo.

shattered colony 2

Shattered colony 2